Application Update file ver.0182

■[PDT] 06/26/2024 22:00
■[CEST] 06/27/2024 07:00
■6th Anniversary Pre-event
Starting from [PDT] 06/26/2024 22:00 / [CEST] 06/27/2024 07:00,
6th Anniversary Pre-event will begin!
[PDT] 06/26/2024 22:00 – 07/24/2024 21:59 [Scheduled]
[CEST] 06/27/2024 07:00 – 07/25/2024 06:59 [Scheduled]
※For more details, please click here.

  • ◎Some MAPs are now adjusted.
  • ・Mountain
  • ①Added an extra terrain for easy access to the arch near the center of the MAP
  • ⇒ Added a ramp-like terrain that allows walking up to the arch near the center of the MAP from the B team side.
  • ②Modified the shape of the arch
  • ⇒ The arch near the center of the MAP was difficult for Team B to secure a line of fire due to the MAP structure, so a hole was added at the top of the arch as a point where it was easy to shoot down the Team A side, and a hole was added at the bottom as a route of progression to relay point C.
  • ③Added barrier at Team A base
  • ⇒ A container as cover is added as well for the additional sniping point from the top of the arch to the A team in ②.
  • ④Modified the shape of the rock face near relay point C
  • ⇒ The shape of the rock face near relay point C is now also changed due to the updated shape of the upper part of the arch.
  • ⑤Added terrain that makes it easier to push to relay point C
  • ⇒ The terrain of the route which used to require a jump when pushing from the A team side to the relay point C is now changed to a ramp.
  • ・Underground base
  • ⇒ Due to the overall darkness of the map, effects such as explosions and beams were perceived to be too blinding, so the brightness is now adjusted.
  • ⇒ To make it easier to land in the base from the waterway around the perimeter of the MAP, we have added four new locations where MS can walk up to the base.
  • ・Trenches
  • ⇒ Due to the overall darkness of the map, effects such as explosions and beams were perceived to be too blinding, so the brightness is now adjusted.
  • ⇒ The high ground to the east and west of the MAP was too favorable for defense, so the shape of the cliffs was adjusted to easier for both offensive and defensive fire lines to pass through.
  • ⇒ The terrain around the center of the MAP was difficult to pass through due to the lack of cover, so debris and other objects are now newly placed.
  • ・Impact site
  • ⇒ The high ground near the defender base was shaped to favor the attacker, making it difficult for the defender to regain control of the base when it was attacked, so it is now shaped to make it easier for the defender to climb up.
  • ⇒ Added terrain for MS to hide themselves near the base.
  • ⇒ Other terrain in the MAP where the MS would get stuck or land unnaturally is now adjusted.
  • ・Mass driver facility
  • ①Adjusted the shape of the mass driver
  • ⇒ The shape of the mass driver in the center of the MAP is now changed to extend the area that can be passed through on the ground.
    ※The green shaded area in the lower image is now accessible.
  • ②Added sniping point to central of the MAP
  • ⇒ Since now the moveable area has been widened, the shape of the buildings near the bases of both teams is changed to provide shooting points to the center of the MAP.
  • ③Adjusted the buildings in the central MAP
  • ⇒ The shape of the buildings near the center of the MAP are now changed and relay points C and D are also placed around.
  • ④Improved access from underwater
  • ⇒ Added a ramp object to the the area of the submarine near the lower right corner of the MAP to improve access from underwater.
  • ⑤Changed crane layout
  • ⇒ The crane located near the lower right corner of the MAP was blocking the movement and now is moved.
  • Due to the above modifications, the initial MS sortie positions and the relay points A, B, C, and D are now changed in this MAP as well.
■Unit adjustment
Various Parameter Adjustments are implemented.  ※For more details, please check here.
◎Results of various parameter adjustments from 05/30/2024 [JST] are announced.  ※For more details, please check here.
  • ◎To make it easier to determine the distance to the target, the radar now displays line scales at every 100m radius.
  • ⇒ Display scale will also change in each LV of the skill “High-Performance Radar”.
  • ※This function can be switched ON/OFF at H.A.R.O. > Options > Other > Radar range.
  • ◎In the base camp, window closing speed upon completion of clan missions is now faster.
■Application Data Update
■Supply Drop Lineup Update Notice
※For more details, please check here.
■Guaranteed FA Unicorn Gundam Boosted Supply Drop
※For more details, please check here.
■July 2024 Premium Login Bonus
※Regarding July 2024 Premium Login Bonus, click here.
■New Materials for exchange are added to Recycle Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
  • ■New units①
  • ★★★★Kshatriya LV1 added
  • ★★★★Sinanju LV1 added
  • ■New custom part
  • ★★★Overtuning (Melee) LV1 added
  • ※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter, from [JST] 06/27/2024 – 07/25/2024.
  • ■New units②
  • ★★★Char’s Gelgoog LV1 added
  • ★★GM Command LA LV1 added
  • ★★GM [Gatheroad Type] LV1 added
  • ※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter for 2 days, from [JST] 06/27/2024 – 06/28/2024.
■New Materials for exchange are added to DP exchange Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
  • ■Units
  • ★★Jesta LV2 added
  • ★★Schuzrum Galluss LV2 added
■Some materials have been excluded from the Supply Drop Lineup.
※For Details, click here.
■Rating Match/Quick Match Game Modes are updated.
※There may be differences about the game mode with the information above, which were introduced during the previous update regarding [Possible Game Modes].
■Some MSs have been adjusted for the Situation Battle “Simulated battle [amphibious units]”.
  • ■Adjusted MS
  • ◎Team A
  • ・Gundam GP01 [Aqua]
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・GM Dominance [Underwater Equipment]
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Zaku Diver
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Gundam Marine Type
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Guncannon Aqua [TB]
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Aqua GM
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ◎Team B
  • ・Kapool
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Agg [ML]
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Zaku Marine Type
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Juaggu
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Zogok
    ⇒ Greater MS spec
  • ・Hy-Gogg
    ⇒ Greater MS spec

■Weekly Weekend Battle Schedule
Weekend Battle Schedule Special Rules
[PDT] 06/27/2024 12:00 – 06/30/2024 11:59
[CEST] 06/27/2024 21:00 – 06/30/2024 20:59
“Mix-Up”, “Simple Battle”, “Shuffle Target”,
“Brawl Match”, “Duel Match” will be held every two hours.
Situation Battle “Simulated battle [amphibious units]” will be held.
※For more details, please check here.
■Next Clan Match Schedule
Please refer, here for the next Clan Match schedule and reward collection period.
For an overview of the Clan Match, please refer here.
  • ◎Customization
  • ・Fixed a case in which the “Unavailable for exchange at the moment” displayed on the DP exchange conditions in the details window of supplies could disappear after performing certain operations in customization.
  • ■How to Update the game
  • Start “Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2” from the PlayStation®4 or PlayStation®5 home screen.
    If you are connected to the Internet, the latest version will be downloaded automatically.
  • After the update is successfully completed, the [ver. information] displayed in the upper right corner of the “H.A.R.O.” screen will be updated.
    If the [ver. information] is out of date, please wait a while and try again.
    Please note that players with different, [ver. information] will not be matched with each other.