[Development Newsletter] Regarding Late October's Update
- ■[PST] 11/25/2019 22:00
- [CET] 11/26/2019 7:00
- Hello Pilots!
- Development Director (and recently promoted to A+ Lieutenant) Kanbe here with new information for MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2.After the release in North America, Latin America, and European regions in October, we have achieved a new record for total active players! Thank you very much!
It’s been a dream of mine to hit 2 million downloads since PS3’s MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION (the first one) and I’m so happy we’ve finally reached this point. Again, thank you to all our amazing pilots from Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, North America, Latin America, and Europe for making this dream a reality.
Now – onto more updates other than the information on the new MAP “City Ruins” that was mentioned in our previous Development Newsletter!
- ■Reviewing Points Gained by actions other than attacks
- In addition to the scores gained by fighting other MS, there are two other actions that allow you to gain points.
The first is “destruction of the base” and the second is “controlling Waypoint base.”
Both are important tactics when it comes to map control and influencing the other team’s actions as the match progresses.
However, we noticed that even though these actions provide a positive benefit to the team, players don’t enjoy being the one tasked with doing so. And with the importance of individual performance for ranked points, players were reluctant to take on these non-combat objectives.
In order to address this, the following changes are being implemented in an effort to give more agency to the players who take on these non-combat tasks.
- ■1. Review of score for “Capturing Waypoint bases”
- ・Before:
Capturing Waypoint base = +50 - ・After:
Capturing Waypoint base = +50 (No Change)
Neutralizing Enemy Waypoint base = +50 (NEW)The points are acquired when the enemy controlled Waypoint base (red) is neutralized (white)
As a result, neutralizing (+50) and then capturing (+50) a Waypoint base will award a total of 100 points.
Not only does this prevent enemies from regrouping, but prevents enemy requests for assistance. This increases the importance of relay points and reduces the score of those who leave the battlefield.
- ■2. Review of score for “Base Destruction”
Individual Points Calculation when a base is destroyed = Total Cost to Enemy Team ÷ Team SizeEX: 6vs6 & enemy unit cost 350
All allies: 2100 ÷ 6 people = 350 Points each (distributed evenly)・After:
Individual Points Calculation when base is destroyed = Total Cost to Enemy Team ÷ (Team Size + 1)
Bomb Planter Score Calculation when base is destroyed = Total Cost to Enemy Team ÷ (Team Size +1) x 2EX: 6vs6 & enemy unit cost 350
Bomb Planter: [ 2100 ÷ (6 + 1) ] x 2 = 600 Points
Rest of Team: 2100 ÷ (6 + 1) = 300 Points eachThe success of base destruction is not only the result of the person who planted the bomb, but also those who defended them, so the calculation should more accurately distribute points for base destruction.
We have tried to accurately reflect the calculated risk of attempting to plant a bomb at the enemy’s base.
Please note that this change was not made to emphasize planting the bomb but rather adjusting the point distribution for doing so.
・Total Score for destroying a base has not changed.
・If a base is destroyed by a direct attack, the points are still distributed based on damage done per Player. - ■Review on Calculating Overall Personal Ranking
- Warning: Lots of tables and numbers below.
First and foremost, the purpose of this change is
to more accurately calculate an individual’s Overall Personal Ranking.
This change does not significantly impact game play and is more of an analytical look at the changes.
Be sure to check out the next section for more fun updates!Again, this section is to provide insight on our changes to the system as we believe Players can provide better feedback when they are equipped with the right knowledge and information.
The following is the very detailed information for those who are interested.
First, here are the overall individual rankings using actual in-game test data from the development team.
Overall Ranking Individual Score Assist Score Damage Given Diversion MS Destroyed MS Lost Pursuit Assist Old Rank Rank Total Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank A 1st 21 3,150 2nd 600 4th 70,431 3rd 29.00 1st 6 units 1st 3 units 6th 17,900 4th B 2nd 24 3,630 1st 1,080 1st 113,104 1st 9.87 11th 6 units 1st 1 unit 1st 8,200 8位 C 3rd 34 2,045 4th 720 3rd 73,298 2nd 18.43 5th 3 units 5th 5 units 10th 15,000 5th D 4th 35 1,685 6th 360 7th 35,768 10th 19.44 4th 3 units 5位 1 unit 1st 18,800 2nd E 5th 37 2,180 3rd 480 6th 48,538 8th 14.13 7th 4 units 3rd 2 units 4th 11,900 6th F 6th 39 1,940 5th 240 9th 56,142 6th 17.51 6th 4 units 3rd 4 units 8th 18,800 2nd G 6th 39 1,435 9th 960 2nd 64,706 4th 8.95 12th 1 unit 10th 1 unit 1st 30,200 1st H 8th 51 600 11th 600 4th 63,682 5th 13.01 8th 0 unit 12th 2 units 4th 9,000 7th I 9th 52 1,565 7th 240 9th 46,749 9th 21.02 3rd 3 units 5th 4 units 8th 2,400 11th J 10th 58 1,565 7th 240 9th 50,991 7th 12.72 9th 3 units 5th 5 units 10th 2,400 11th K 11th 63 1,210 10th 360 7th 30,522 12th 12.48 10th 2 units 9th 3 units 6th 5,800 9th L 12th 67 545 12th 120 12th 32,297 11th 23.26 2nd 1 unit 10th 5 units 10th 5,100 10th - Before:
・Calculate Individual Rankings in Each Category (1-12th) *Table = [Rank]
・Add the Individual Rankings Together *Table = [Rank total]
・The person with the lowest total value is ranked 1st overall *Table = [Overall rank]Based on the old system, rankings were an accurate representation of the overall contribution of an individual but when trying to more accurately determine an individual’s skill, problems became apparent.
For example, let’s compare the results from 1st Place [A] and 2nd Place [B]
Overall Ranking Individual Score Assist Score Damage Given Diversion MS Destroyed Pursuit Assist Old Rank Rank Total Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank A 1st 21 3,150 2nd 600 4th 70,431 3rd 29.00 1st 6 units 1st 3 units 6th 17,900 4th B 2nd 24 3,630 1st 1,080 1st 113,104 1st 9.87 11th 6 units 1st 1 unit 1st 8,200 8th - [B] has nearly best results in every category, except for “Diversion” and “Pursuit Assist”, getting placed below [A].
But compared to others [B] has scored a lot from assists or damage given, which shows his high contribution.Here’s another example of 3 people in th Place [E], 6th Place [F], and 6th Place [G]
Overall Ranking ndividual Score Assist Score Damage Given Diversion MS Destroyed MS Lost Pursuit Assist Old Rank Rank Total Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank Results Rank E 5th 37 2,180 3rd 480 6th 48,538 8th 14.13 7th 4 units 3rd 2 units 4th 11,900 6th F 6th 39 1,940 5th 240 9th 56,142 6th 17.51 6th 4 units 3rd 4 units 8th 18,800 2nd G 6th 39 1,435 9th 960 2nd 64,706 4th 8.95 12th 1 unit 10th 1 unit 1st 30,200 1st - Looking at 6th Place [G] you’ll notice that their Pursuit assist score is overwhelming above the second closest score however their overall rank is 6th.
In both examples you’ll notice that the even with significant contributions to certain aspects of play, a Player’s ranking was only judged based on their overall ranking.
To improve on individual rankings, we are changing the calculation of Overall Ranking to:
・Calculate the “Standard” score for each category
・Sum the scores across all categories
・Player who has the highest total scores across all categories will be placed as number one in the overall rankingsWith the above changes active, the rankings look like this:
Overall Ranking Individual Score Assist Score Damage Given Diversion MS Destroyed MS Lost Pursuit Assist New Rank Rank Total Results Score Results Score Results Score Results Score Results Score Results Score Results Score A 2nd 421.1 3,150 65.6 600 53.5 70,431 56.1 29.00 71.8 6 units 66.9 3 units 50.0 17,900 57.3 B 1st 430.0 3,630 71.2 1,080 70.1 113,104 75.7 9.87 38.0 units機 66.9 1 unit 63.1 8,200 45.1 C 4th 361.6 2,045 52.9 720 57.6 73,298 57.4 18.43 53.1 3 units 50.0 5 units 36.9 15,000 53.6 D 5th 360.4 1,685 48.7 360 45.2 35,768 40.1 19.44 54.9 3 units 50.0 1 unit 63.1 18,800 58.4 E 6th 357.2 2,180 54.4 480 49.3 48,538 46.0 14.13 45.5 4 units 55.6 2 units 56.5 11,900 49.7 F 7th 351.2 1,940 51.7 240 41.0 56,142 49.5 17.51 51.5 4 units 55.6 4 units 43.5 18,800 58.4 G 3rd 376.2 1,435 45.8 960 65.9 64,706 53.5 8.95 36.4 1 unit 38.8 1 unit 63.1 30,200 72.7 H 9th 322.0 600 36.2 600 53.5 63,682 53.0 13.01 43.6 0 unit 33.1 2 units 56.5 9,000 46.1 I 8th 322.5 1,565 47.3 240 41.0 46,749 45.2 21.02 57.7 3 units 50.0 4 units 43.5 2,400 37.8 J 11th 303.3 1,565 47.3 240 41.0 50,991 47.1 12.72 43.1 3 units 50.0 5 units 36.9 2,400 37.8 K 10th 305.2 1,210 43.2 360 45.2 30,522 37.7 12.48 42.6 2 units 44.4 3 units 50.0 5,800 42.1 L 12th 289.5 545 35.6 120 36.9 32,297 38.6 23.26 61.7 1 unit 38.8 5 units 36.9 5,100 41.2 - The approximate ranking remained unchanged, while pilots’ ranking that does not match are replaced.
Overall, we believe that this provides a better example of “overall contribution” when trying to assess a Player’s performance. That said, there is always room for improvement, and we will be keeping an eye on this new rating system.
The calculation will be done internally, so there is no need to worry about the calculation while playing. Current individual ranking and overall ranking will be displayed in the results screen.
For Players interested in seeing their “Standard Results” scores for each category, press Square (□) at the results screen to see your performance breakdown.
- [CHANGE] Updated Button Input
- The following information is a guide to the updated control inputs for pilot’s actions.
We highly recommend you read this as it will affect your game play.We have received feedback such as:
“I’m trying to plant the bomb and accidentally called my MS”
“I accidentally hit the wrong button trying to request support”
“I accidentally got into a nearby MS”In an effort to reduce accidental actions, we have made slight changes to the controls.
*Pilot’s specific actions (default)
Before the change After the change ・MS Request: ○ Button ⇒ No Change ・Boarding MS: ○ Button ⇒ No Change ・Boarding Other Units: ○ Button ⇒ No Change ・Bomb Plant: ○ Press and hold ⇒ □ Press and hold ・Bomb Defuse: ○ Press and hold ⇒ □ Press and hold ・Request or Support: ○ Press and hold ⇒ □ Press and hold ・Capture Enemy MS: ○ Press and hold ⇒ □ Press and hold - In situations where there is a Press and hold, you will now use the Square (□) button.
*While scoped or during other specific actions, the special action takes priority.In situations where you can perform two special actions, you will see an additional display with the available options.
- You are now able to select an action with the input button without moving from your spot.
We understand this may be initially confusing, but we hope that after initially trying it out that you will enjoy.Additionally, we made one more change.
The default operation to access “Ally Info” was to press the “L3 button.”
- There are cases where players press the L3 button too hard and accidentally turn on the window.
Changes: -
Before the change After the change ・Ally Info (On/Off) L3 Button ⇒ L3 Press and Hold - ■[New] New Skills and Updates coming in NOVEMBER!
- Take a look at a new stone throwing skill coming to MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2 in the near future!
- *This feature is still in development and may look different as development progresses
- In addition to a new skill the flight type will soon join MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2!
More information coming soon! - [Event] HAPPY HALLOWEEN
Halloween event was held in MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2!
- Enjoy Halloween-inspired decorations all around Base Camp as you take on this year’s Halloween Mission!
Did we mention that there is also an amazing MS REWARD for completing this year’s Halloween mission?
- Zeon Principality’s first mass-produced AMPHIBIOUS MS GOGG finally makes its way into the game!
This MS is available to everyone who completes the limited Halloween missions!
One bonus addition coming this patch is Hide UI Mode!
Available only in the base camp at this time, Players can take some awesome screenshots while hiding the in-game UI.
(Currently limited to the base camp only) - Be sure to take a lot of screenshots in new Halloween-only gear and upload them for us to see!
*Camera mode only functions to hide the UI, so please use the PS4 screenshot button to take screenshots.To celebrate the new camera mode, Tenda has her own unique Halloween event too!
- She’s scattered Goggs throughout Base Camp and if you find all of them in camera mode, you will be rewarded with an extremely cute Gogg pilot avatar item!
- ■Closing
- The update patch for the following items are scheduled on
October 30th 21:00 (PST) / 31st 6:00 (CET):・Release of “City Ruins” map
・Pilot respawn point adjustment
・Score calculation adjustment on “Capturing Waypoint bases”
・Score calculation adjustment on “Base Destruction”
・Calculation changes on Overall Personal Ranking
・Update on button Input for Pilot’s specific actions
・Change on “Ally Info” ON/OFF button to a long press
・Halloween eventUpcoming updates planned in the coming months:
End of November: Release of “Clan Match”.
December – January: Implementation of new rules *Priority on Weekend BattleAs always, thank you so much for your continued support! We hope you have a ton of fun with the incoming update and be sure to stay tuned for even more updates coming in the future!
– Development Director Kanbe
- In situations where there is a Press and hold, you will now use the Square (□) button.