"Gundam AX VIP Event SUMMER 2022" Event Report
- ■[PDT] 07/04/2022 22:00
■[CET] 07/05/2022 06:00 - In Los Angeles, U.S.A. [PDT] 07/03/2022 / [CET] 07/04/2022 “Gundam AX VIP Event SUMMER 2022″ is started.
- At this event, the latest information and test play of each Gundam title are being shared, GBO’s newest Unit “Baund Doc” will be shown!
- “Baund Doc” has become a popular mobile suit in North America, and we have received positive reactions from players.
- “Baund Doc” will be available with the Supply Drops on Thursday, [PDT] 07/06/2022 22:00 / [CET] 07/07/2022 06:00!
Please wait for further information to be released at a later date.