Z II's sub-weapon "Long beam saber" bug
- ■[PDT]29/10/2021 02:00
- ■[CEST]29/10/2021 11:00
- ver.0146.09xx
- Since the application update on [JST]28/10/2021(Tue) ver.0146, ZⅡ’s sub-weapon “Long beam saber” has a bug of cannot be able to approach the combo.
- ■Bug
- With ZⅡ’s “Melee Combat Controller LV1” is supposed to be able to deal combo damage with the sub-weapon “Long beam saber” but there is a trouble on that.
- ※Sub-weapon “Long beam saber” is available when the main ranged weapon is “Zeta beam rifle”.
- ■Trouble shooting
- To solve this unexpected situation, we will launch a update patch at [PDT]29/10/2021(Fri) 02:00 / [CEST]29/10/2021(Fri) 11:00.
- We apologize to all pilot because of this issues and we appreciate all your patients.