Supply Drop Lineup Update Notice “Messala”
- ■[PDT] 29/09/2021(Wed) 22:00[Scheduled]
- ■[CEST] 30/09/2021(Thur) 07:00[Scheduled]
- ver.0145.0916
- Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.
- ■Supply Drop Period
- Beginning on [PDT] 29/09/2021(Wed) 22:00[Scheduled]
- Beginning on [CEST] 30/09/2021(Thur) 07:00[Scheduled]
- ■New Content
- ■New Unit
・★★★ Messala LV1~2 (General unit, For Ground / Space Use, Cost:600~) -
- ※The above MS is eligible for the monthly MS bonus.
- ※Click here for more information on the monthly MS bonus.
- ■Mobile Suit features:
- ・General unit Cost:600
- ・Transformable MS as the original type of PMX series that developed by Paptimus Scirocco
- ・As the Messala was originally used to fly in the atmosphere of Jupiter, it is equipped with powerful thrusters to counter the planet’s high gravitational pull.
- ・Vulcan and grenades for close combat, also there is live ammunition, featuring the guided missile with a level of guidability.
Powerful Mega Particle Canon for long range support fire, good result can be expected with this high variation equipment. - ・Sub-weapon “Shoulder Mega Particle Canon x2” can be used in normal mode or focus fire mode.
You must not be moving to use the canon, and focus fire mode will cause blast when the beam hit any thing. - ・You may use the skill “Transformation (Flight)” by pressing touchpad button.
- ・Skill “Ram attack” will deal damage to target touched when high speed movement in flight mode.
- ※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
- ■Exclusive Pilot item as a Bonus from the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
- Beginning on [PDT] 29/09/2021(Wed) 22:00/[CEST] 30/09/2021(Thur) 07:00, when you request the normal 10 consecutive supply drops.
- ■Supply Drop Period with Bonus Items
- [PDT] 29/09/2021(Wed) 22:00 ~ 06/10/2021(Wed) 21:59 [Scheduled]
- [CEST] 30/09/2021(Thur) 07:00 ~ 07/10/2021(Thur) 06:59 [Scheduled]
- ■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
- Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
- ■Bonus Item (Get 1 of the following 2 items randomly)
- ■Clothing
- Normal suit: Titans01
- ■Accessory
- Helmet: Titans01
- ※Requesting the 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the event period will grant you an 11th drop, which will award 1 random bonus item.
- ※Does NOT apply to the 1-Attempt Supply Drop. The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request the 1-Attempt Supply Drop ten times in a row.
- ■Other New Items
- ■Unit
・★★★ Gabthley LV3 (General unit, For Ground / Space Use, Cost:700) -
- ※The above MS is eligible for the monthly MS bonus.
- ※Click here for more information on the monthly MS bonus.
- ■Some materials have been removed from the supply drop line up.
- ※Click here for details.
- ※For more information regarding the updated supply drop lineup, please refer to the 【Supply Drop List】.
- ■[Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign] Notice
- Some of the newly added materials will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
- ■Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Period
- [PDT] 29/09/2021(Wed) 22:00 ~ 06/10/2021(Wed) 21:59 [Scheduled]
- [CEST] 30/09/2021(Thur) 07:00 ~ 07/10/2021(Thur) 06:59 [Scheduled]
- ■Featured Material with a Big Boost to its Supply Drop Rate
・★★★ Messala LV1~2 (General unit, For Ground / Space Use, Cost:600~) - ■Supply Drop that will benefit from the Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates
- ・Normal Supply Drop
- ※After the campaign, the supply drop rate will be the same as other materials.