Unit Adjustments (August 2021)

■[PDT] 08/25/2021 22:00
 [CEST] 08/26/2021 07:00
■Unit related adjustments
■General type
Efreet Schneid
Unit Performance ・ Grant the unit skill “Maneuver Armor LV1”
Main Melee Weapon Heat Dart x2 ・ Expanded the hit judgment of lower combat and improved it to make it easier to hit attacks
Adjustment Intent
・This unit was good at close combat utilizing three types of shooting weapons that can acquire stagger and high firepower fighting attacks, but it lacked the ability to break through to approach enemy unit. As a result, various battle records were below the average, so the following adjustments were made.
・The skill “Maneuver Armor LV1” has been added to make it easier to close the distance to enemy unit.
・Adjusted the hit judgment because there were many scenes where it was difficult for the lower fight to hit the downed enemy unit.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
550 Average 50.5 50.0 66627 2.9
LV1 48.0 44.4 60308 3.1
600 Average 50.8 50.0 67233 2.9
LV2 48.3 47.3 62561 3.0
Unit Performance ・ High-speed movement rises from “175” to “180”
・ Thruster increased from “50” to “60”
・ LV4 unit fighting correction increased from “34” to “40”
・ Granted LV4 unit skill “Thruster output enhancement LV2”
Main Melee Weapon Efreet Heat Sword ・ Power increased from “1800” to “1900” (and higher LV also increased)
Adjustment Intent
・This unit was good at close combat, making use of the stealth effect of the “smoke discharger” and the main weapon “shotgun” with excellent staggering ability, but the ability to approach enemy unit. Due to the lack of, various battle records were below the average, so the following adjustments were made.
・Enhanced [High-speed movement] and [Thruster] to make it easier to approach enemy unit. Also, in order to make up for the shortage of [Damage Done] due to fighting, the [Power] of Main Melee Weapon “Heat Sword for Ifrit” has been strengthened.
・Since various battle records of Unit LV4 tended to decline, we further strengthened [Fighting Correction] and added the skill “Thruster Output Strengthening LV2”.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
300 Average 50.9 50.5 49193 3.2
LV1 48.3 44.2 46933 3.8
350 Average 50.3 49.4 53661 3.2
LV2 48.0 42.5 49181 3.7
400 Average 50.0 49.4 58373 3.1
LV3 48.3 41.3 55000 3.6
450 Average 50.0 49.2 56863 2.9
LV4 47.0 40.1 52133 3.4
Gelgoog High Mobility Type [UL]
Unit Performance ・ Increased movement speed when moving left and right on the ground
Main Melee Weapon Beam Sword ・ Increased the movement speed of lower combat attacks, making it easier to hit attacks.
Secondary Weapon Arm 3-Tube Missile POD ・ Reload shortened from “8.0” to “5.0”
Adjustment Intent
* This unit was adjusted in May 2020, but since various battle records were declining, it was readjusted.
・In the previous adjustment, we made an overall adjustment to make it easier to acquire [Damage Done] in fighting attacks, but there are few opportunities to perform fighting attacks, and it is difficult to hit lower fighting [win rate] and [Damage Done] was on a downward trend again, so I made the following adjustments.
・In order to make it easier to acquire [Damage Done] in fighting attacks, the movement speed of the lower fighting (two-stage attack) of Main Melee Weapon “Beam Naginata” has been strengthened, making it easier to hit the attack.
・In order to increase the chances of launching a fighting attack, the [Reload time] of the Secondary Weapon “Triple Arm Missile Pod” has been shortened, making it easier to obtain stagger due to accumulation.
・Enhanced left and right [speed correction] to make it easier to move during close combat.
Reference data COST Unit LV 勝率 Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
450 Average 50.0 49.2 56863 2.9
LV1 48.8 47.6 55745 2.9
500 Average 49.7 47.6 62091 3.0
LV2 48.3 47.7 59122 2.8
550 Average 50.5 50.0 66627 2.9
LV3 48.6 46.3 62358 2.5
Gaza D
Unit Performance ・ Thruster increased from “65” to “75”
・ On the ground, increase the movement speed when moving left and right and moving backward.
Main Ranged Weapon Gaza D Knuckle Buster ・ Focusing shortened from “3.5” to “3.0”
・ LV2 power increased from “1365” to “1450”
・ Increased power during LV2 focused shooting
Secondary Weapon 4-Tube Missile Pod x2 ・ LV2 power increased from “262” to “275”
Secondary Weapon 8-Tube Missile Launcher x2 ・ Increase the accumulated value of stagger
・ LV2 power increased from “105” to “120”
Adjustment Intent
・This unit was designed to maintain the front line in battle at short to medium distances, centering on abundant shooting armament, but it is difficult to maintain the front line because it has only armament that makes it difficult for the enemy unit to lose its position. ] And [MS Loss] have decreased, so the following adjustments have been made.
・ In order to increase the chances of losing the posture of the enemy unit, the [Time to focus] of the main weapon “Knuckle Buster for Gaza D” has been shortened. Has been strengthened.
・Strengthened [Thruster] to maintain the engagement distance in shooting battles and extend the operating time of the MA form. At the same time, [Speed correction] has been strengthened to reduce the shot rate.
・Since [Damage Done] tended to decrease from Unit LV2, the [Power] of various shooting weapons was strengthened, making it easier to acquire [Damage Done].
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
450 Average 50.0 49.2 56863 2.9
LV1 47.4 44.0 59543 3.0
500 Average 49.7 47.6 62091 3.0
LV2 46.6 40.1 56423 3.1
Gaza D <Transformed>
Unit Performance ・ Thruster increased from “65” to “75”
Secondary Weapon 4-Tube Missile Pod (Transformed) ・ LV2 power increased from “210” to “230”
Secondary Weapon Arm Beam Gun x2 ・ LV2 power increased from “330” to “350”
Secondary Weapon Leg Mega Particle Cannon x2 ・ LV2 power increased from “945” to “1000”
Powered GM
Unit Performance ・ Gives environmentally appropriate “ground”
・ LV2 unit fighting correction increased from “10” to “18” (and higher LV also increased)
・ LV2 unit speed increased from “125” to “130” (LV3 also increased)
・ Increased LV2 unit skill “Aerial Control Program LV1” to “LV2” (and increased upper LV)
Adjustment Intent
・This unit was designed to be good at playing, taking advantage of its high [high-speed movement] speed, but since [win rate] and [Damage Done] were decreasing, the following adjustments were made.
・By granting [Ground Appropriate], mobility on the ground has been increased, making it easier to play. Furthermore, the winning percentage of Unit LV2 and LV3 was on a downward trend, so we strengthened [Speed].
・By strengthening the LV of the [Aerial Control Program] after Unit LV2, it is possible to move at high speed in the air, and the high mobility that is a feature of this unit can be utilized even in the air.
・By strengthening [Melee Correction], it is easier to acquire [Damage Done] by fighting attacks.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
350 Average 50.3 49.4 53661 3.2
LV1 50.5 49.1 47908 3.2
400 Average 50.0 49.4 58373 3.1
LV2 47.8 48.3 52245 3.1
450 Average 50.0 49.2 56863 2.9
LV3 48.0 40.0 46787 3.0
500 Average 49.7 47.6 62091 3.0
LV4 47.5 41.5 54271 2.7
550 Average 50.5 50.0 66627 2.9
LV5 47.2 43.0 58937 2.8
Unit Performance ・ Unit HP increased from “12500” to “14500” (and higher LV also increased)
・ High-speed movement rises from “180” to “190”
・ Granted the unit skill “Explosion-resistant mechanism LV1”
・ Increased movement speed when moving left and right
・ LV2 unit fighting correction increased from “28” to “33” (and higher LV also increased)
-Increased LV2 unit skill “Strengthening Tackle LV2” to “LV4” (also increased the upper LV)
・ LV2 unit skill “Leg special cushioning material LV1” increased to “LV2” (LV3 also increased)
・ Granted LV3 unit skill “Thruster output enhancement LV1”
・ Granted LV4 unit skill “Thruster output enhancement LV2”
Adjustment Intent
・This unit was a Secondary Weapon “spread beam” that can be used while moving at high speed, and it was an unit that strives to maintain the front line by making use of high fighting performance, but various battle results have declined, so the following adjustments I did.
・Since there were many scenes where the unit was involved in the explosion during a turbulent battle and staggered, the skill “Explosion-resistant mechanism” was granted.
・In order to make it easier to get a chance of a fighting attack, [High-speed movement] has been strengthened to make it easier to approach enemy unit. Also, on the battlefield after Unit LV3, there were many scenes where people were stranded before approaching the enemy unit, so the skill “Thruster output enhancement” was added to make it easier to approach the enemy unit.
・Since the battle record after Unit LV2 has dropped significantly, by strengthening [Fighting Correction] after LV2 and strengthening the LV of his skill “Strengthening Tackle”, [Damage Done] is acquired. I made it easier.
・In order to improve [MS Loss], [Unit HP] and [Speed ​​Correction] on the left and right have been strengthened to make it easier to stay on the front line for a long time. Also, by strengthening the LV of the skill “Leg special cushioning material” of Unit LV2 ~ 3, the survivability has been further improved.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
300 Average 50.9 50.5 49193 3.2
LV1 48.4 42.4 43176 3.9
350 Average 50.3 49.4 53661 3.2
LV2 46.2 40.9 45323 3.8
400 Average 50.0 49.4 58373 3.1
LV3 46.8 39.4 53138 3.6
450 Average 50.0 49.2 56863 2.9
LV4 46.3 31.6 48694 3.4
Pezun Dwadge
Unit Performance ・ LV2 unit HP increased from “16000” to “16500” (and higher LV also increased)
・ LV2 unit thruster increased from “55” to “60” (LV3 also increased)
・ LV2 unit skill “Leg special cushioning material LV1” is given (also given to the upper LV)
・ LV3 unit fighting correction increased from “15” to “20” (and higher LV also increased)
・ LV4 unit thruster increased from “55” to “65” (and higher LV also increased)
・ LV4 Unit skill “Forced injection device LV1” increased to “LV2” (In addition, the upper LV also increased)
Adjustment Intent
・This unit was designed to be good at short-to-medium range combat using two types of shooting weapons that can destroy the enemy’s posture, but since various battle records after Unit LV2 have declined, the following I made some adjustments.
・In order to improve [MS Loss], [Unit HP] and [Thruster] have been strengthened and the skill “Leg Special Cushioning Material LV1” has been added. Also, since the [win rate] after LV4 has decreased, the survivability has been further improved by strengthening the LV of the skill “forced injection device”.
・Since [Damage Done] after Unit LV3 was below the average, we strengthened [Fighting Correction] and made it easier to acquire [Damage Done] in the fighting attack at the time of pursuit.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
400 Average 50.0 49.4 58373 3.1
LV1 52.0 51.4 62629 3.5
450 Average 50.0 49.2 56863 2.9
LV2 48.6 48.9 58679 3.3
500 Average 49.7 47.6 62091 3.0
LV3 48.2 39.8 59480 3.8
550 Average 50.5 50.0 66627 2.9
LV4 47.2 46.4 64491 3.3
600 Average 50.8 50.0 67233 2.9
LV5 47.5 41.3 59356 3.3
■Raid type
Ram Z’Gok
Unit Performance ・ Combat correction increased from “15” to “20”
・Increased the unit skill “Maneuver Armor LV1” to “LV2”
Main Ranged Weapon Arm Mega Particle Cannon ・ Heat rate improved from “95%” to “85%”
Main Melee Weapon Claw Shield ・ Increased correction for left and right fighting attacks
Adjustment Intent
・This unit was designed to be good at short-range battles centered on high-powered fighting weapons, but it is difficult to launch fighting attacks because it is difficult to break the enemy’s posture, and various battle results are below the average. Since it was done, I made the following adjustments.
・By reducing the [heat rate] of the main weapon “arm mega particle cannon”, it is easier to get an opportunity to launch a fighting attack by breaking the enemy’s posture.
・Since it was often seen that they were stranded and destroyed before approaching the enemy unit, the LV of the skill “Maneuver Armor” was raised.
・In order to be able to acquire more [Damage Done] in combat attacks, the [Left and Right Fighting Correction] of the main weapon “Claw Shield” and the [Fighting Correction] of the unit performance have been strengthened.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
350 Average 52.1 53.1 59683 3.8
LV1 46.9 47.6 54985 4.1
■Support type
Dra-C Kai [Heavy]
Unit Performance ・ Speed increased from “105” to “110”
・ Thruster increased from “45” to “50”
Main Ranged Weapon Large Gatling Cannon [Heavy] ・ Power increased from “80” to “100”
Secondary Weapon Sturm Faust x2 ・ Reload shortened from “30.0” to “25.0”
Secondary Weapon 3-Tube Missile POD x4 ・ Reduced weapon switching time
Adjustment Intent
・This unit formed a barrage with abundant shooting armament to support the front line, but since the range of the shooting armament is relatively short, it is easy to close the distance to the enemy unit, and the firepower in the shooting battle It was difficult to get out, and various battle records were below the average, so the following adjustments were made.
・In order to improve [MS Loss], [Speed] and [Thruster] have been strengthened to make it easier to maintain the distance at which shooting battles can be performed.
・In order to make it easier to acquire [Damage Done] in a short time, the [Power] of the main weapon “Large Gatling [Heavy Equipment]” has been strengthened.
・Reduced the [Reload time] of the Secondary Weapon “Sturm Faust x 2” and the [Weapon switching time] of the Secondary Weapon “Triple Missile Pod x 4” to make it easier to acquire opportunities to attack.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
300 Average 51.2 53.1 57817 3.4
LV1 47.0 49.0 54212 3.8
Xekueins Type 2 Loadout
Unit Performance ・ LV2 unit HP increased from “18000” to “19000” (and higher LV also increased)
・ LV2 Unit skill “Leg special cushioning material LV1” increased to “LV2” (In addition, the upper LV also increased)
Main Ranged Weapon Xekueins Smart Gun ・ LV3 power increased from “990” to “1100”
Secondary Weapon Xekueins Beam Rifle ・ LV3 power increased from “1155” to “1300”
Secondary Weapon XE B. Rifle Grenade Launcher ・ LV3 power increased from “1045” to “1200”
Adjustment Intent
・This unit has a long range and fights from medium and long distances centering on weapons with high instantaneous firepower, but in Unit LV2 and later, the ease of being hit by the size of the unit is noticeable. Has decreased, so the following adjustments have been made.
・In order to improve [MS Loss] after Unit LV2, we have improved survivability by strengthening [Unit HP] and upgrading her skill “Leg Special Cushioning Material”.
・Since the [Damage Done] of Unit LV3 was on a downward trend, the [Power] of various shooting weapons was strengthened.
Reference data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival’s Win Rate Damage Done MS Loss
550 Average 50.9 48.6 65703 3.0
LV1 51.0 48.7 68245 3.0
600 Average 49.8 47.0 68035 2.9
LV2 48.3 43.5 68158 3.0
650 Average 50.2 48.7 72916 2.7
LV3 47.9 36.6 62492 2.9