Golden Week Limited! Powered-Up Hangars Campaign!
- ■[PDT] 04/28/2021 22:00
- [CEST] 04/29/2021 07:00
- ver.0140.0768
- Campaign starts on [PDT] 04/28/2021 (WED) / [CEST] 04/29/2021 (THU)
- ■Campaign period
- [PDT] 04/28/2021 (WED) 22:00 – 05/09/2021 (SUN) 21:59 [Scheduled]
- [CEST] 04/29/2021 (THU) 07:00 – 05/10/2021 (MON) 06:59 [Scheduled]
- ■Contents
- During the campaign period, 3x great success rate at hangars!
⇒ The campaign effect +20% will be added to the normal success rate.
- ※The number of sortie bonuses will be added separately from the campaign effect.
- Furthermore, there will be 3x enhanced values for duplicate MS!
- ※3x enhancement only applies for duplicate MS.
Please note that recycle tickets, and tickets for increasing the number of mechanics at full enhancement, are not subject to this effect.
- ※3x enhancement only applies for duplicate MS.