MAXIBOOST ON x GBO2 Collaboration Campaign
- ■[PDT] 7/29/2020 22:00
- [CEST] 7/30/2020 7:00
- A collaboration campaign will be held to celebrate the release of MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VS. MAXIBOOST ON for PlayStation®4, which will be released today, July 30, 2020!
- ■Campaign details
- 1.Operator Sthesia Awar!
- As a pre-order bonus of MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VS. MAXIBOOST ON for PlayStation®4, you will be able to use GBO2 operator Sthesia Awar.
- 【Customers who pre-ordered MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VS. MAXIBOOST ON on PS4®】
- Please note that the method of obtaining the downloadable “Sthesia Awar” for MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VS. MAXIBOOST ON for PS4® is different than before:
https://bo2.ggame.jp/en/info/?p=42555 - We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our customers.
- 2.”T-Shirt: Maxi-Boost ON” wear!
- All pilots who log in to GBO2 during the campaign period will receive the “T-Shirt: MAXIBOOST ON” attire.
- ■”T-Shirt: MAXIBOOST ON” attire present period
- [PDT] 7/29/2020 (WED) 22:00 – 8/26/2020 (WED) 21:59 [Scheduled]
- [CEST] 7/30/2020 (THU) 7:00 – 8/27/2020 (THU) 6:59 [Scheduled]
- 【Notes】
- ※The operator “Sthesia Awar” will be included in the MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VS. MAXIBOOST ON package as a pre-order bonus for the download version.
- The box and downloadable Premium Sound Editions are only available in Southeast Asia.
- ※A full version of “Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2” on PS4® is required in order to use the operator “Sthesia Awar.”
Please update the software with the latest patch before use. - ※The distribution of the downloadable content may be terminated without notice.
Please note that there is also a possibility of distribution at a later date.