Update File ver.0119 Release
- ■[PDT] 10/30/2019 22:00
- [CET] 10/31/2019 6:00
- ■MAP related
- ◎The map “City Ruins” has been added.
- ◎Pilot’s respawn position at all waypoint bases has been adjusted in the following map.
- ⇒ Impact Site, Port Base, Tropical Desert, Deserted City, Mountain, Dark Space
- ◎Adjustment on the direction of the WAPPA near waypoint base C of “Impact Site”
- ◎Adjustment on suppression range at “Port Base” relay point B
- ◎Adjustment on MS respawn position at “Tropical Desert” waypoint base C and D
- ◎Adjustment on suppression range at “Resource Satellite” waypoint base A
- ◎Adjustment on the respawn position at “Training Ground” base
- ■Battle related
- ◎Various parameter adjustments have been made *Please check HERE for more detail
- ◎Introduction of “Standard Results” in the battle result
- ⇒ With the introduction of Standard Results into the battle results, the overall individual ranking is determined by the sum of deviation values based on the scores of all participants.
- ⇒ Standard Results can be check by pressing the □ button on the individual battle results screen.
- ■Current method to determine the overall individual ranking
- The total number of each item on the individual results screen is determined by comparing with the other sortie members.
- ■Method to determine the overall individual ranking after the update
- Standard Results is calculated based on each item score of all sortie members, with the total value is compared and determined.
- ◎A “Destruction Bonus” is now added to the bomb installers when a base is destroyed during a battle
- ⇒ In the case where a base is destroyed by an attack, the base destruction bonus will be added to the pilot who deals the most damage.
- ◎The calculation formula for base destruction score has been changed with the addition of base destruction bonus.
- ⇒ With the change in the calculation formula, the bomb installer or the highest damage dealer will be able to earn more scores than before.
- *Team score obtained from base destruction is remained the same.
- ◎When a bonus is added to the obtained score during a battle, a multiplier such as “x 3” is displayed on the obtained score.
- ⇒ After the multiplying factor is displayed, the calculated score is displayed accordingly.
- ⇒ Bonus scores are as follows.
- ■Basic
- ・Destroy the base with less than 2 minutes remaining
- ■Ace Match
- ・Ace destroys opponents MS (including opponents ace)
- ・Ace assists in destroying MS (including opponents ace)
- ・Other pilots aside from the ace destroys the opponents ace
- ・Other pilots aside from the ace assists in destroying MS
- ■Weekend Battles “Shuffle Target”
- ・Target destroys enemy MS
- ・Target assists in destroying MS
- ・Destroy opponents targets
- ・Assists in destroying opponents MS
*This video may not be representative of the actual product.
- ◎Scores can now be obtained when neutralizing a waypoint basethat is controlled by the enemy forces during battle.
- ⇒ The score obtained will be “50” points, the same as when taking control.
- ◎Special actions that can be performed by pilots during battle is divided by long pressing the 〇 button and □ button.
- ■Special action with 〇 button
- ・Boarding an MS
- ・Boarding other units (WAPPA, etc.)
- ・MS request
- ■Special action by long pressing the □ button
- ・Request support
- ・Bomb deploying
- ・Bomb defusing
- ・MS capture
- ◎The custom part that shorten reload time for beam rifle changed from “Auxiliary Generator” to “Quick Loader” .
- ⇒ With the above changes, the description of “Auxiliary Generator” and “Quick Loader” have been updated.
- ■Melee Weapon
- ・GP01 BEAM RIFLE … Gundam GP01, Gundam GP01Fb
- ■Sub Weapon
- ・STAMEN BEAM RIFLE … Gundam GP03 Stamen
- ・GP04 BEAM RIFLE … Gundam GP04
- ◎With the above changes, the description of “Auxiliary Generator” and “Quick Loader” have been updated.
- ◎Allies information ON/OFF switch during battle has been changed from pressing L3 button to a long press of L3 button.
- ◎Adjustment on the display position of unit marker displayed during battle.
- ■Unit related
- ◎Regarding some MS that has “Tackle Power Increase Effect” set internally, a new skill “Shield Tackle” has been added to make it easier in identifying which MSs have this effect.
- ⇒ MS with this skill are as follows.
- ■General unit
- ・Gundam Ez8
- ・GM Sniper II [White Dingo]
- ・GM [White Dingo]
- ・G-Line Standard Armor
- ・Slave Wraith
- ・Pale Rider [Ground Heavy Arms]
- ・Gundam Ground Type
- ・GM Ground Type [08MS]
- ■Raid Unit
- ・Gelgoog M
- ・GM Striker
- ・GM Striker Kai
- ・G-Line Assault Armor
- ・G-Line Light Armor
- ・Zudah
- ・Blue Destiny Unit-1
- ■Support Unit
- ・Zaku I Commander Type
- ・Gundam Ground Type [WR]
- *Implemented as skill, the effect is unchanged
- ■Network related
- ◎In the custom match, the team composition by the host is now displayed in the chat log.
- ⇒ In case of composition randomly: [ Teams are organized automatically ].
- ⇒ In case of composition by one or more hosts: [ Teams are organized by the host ].
- ■Database related
- ◎The position of the database history has been changed.
- ⇒ Database > The position of “History” in the play data has been moved directly under the database.
- ■Other
- ◎Standard text has been added to chat list that can be used in base camps and sortie preparation rooms.
- ■”Action”
- ・Can be used on general unit
- ・Can be used on support unit
- ・Can be used on raid unit
- ・Can be used on other unit
- ◎Improved loading process after requesting Supply Drop, making the dropped item animation more smooth.
- ◎The number of accessories that can be used on “T-Shirt: PMU 01” was increased.
- ■Application data update
- ■New materials for exchange have been added to the Recycle Counter.
⇒ Information on some of the newly added materials -
- ■Newly Added Units
- ・★★★Gundam Unit 5 LV1
- ・★★★Gundam Pixie LV3
- ・★★Zaku II FS (SM) LV3
- ■Newly Added Weapon
- ・★★90mm Submachine Gun x2 LV3
- *The materials mentioned above will definitely be available at the Recycle Counter for two days from 10/30/2019 (THU) to 10/31/2019 (FRI).
- ■Newly Added Marking
- ・★★GP04
- ・★★U-47
- ■Materials for exchange have been added to the DP Exchange Counter.
⇒ Information on some of the newly added materials: -
- ■Newly Added Unit
- ・★★★Mudrock LV1
- ■Newly Added Weapons
- *GOGG IRON NAIL and TWIN ABDOMINAL MEGA P.C. are exchange materials for DP only.
- *The above main weapon will remain in the DP Exchange Counter even after the end of the campaign period.
- ■Announcement of “HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Campaign” *For more details please click HERE.
- ■Supply Drop Lineup Update *For more details please click HERE.
- ■Some materials have been removed from the supply drop lineup. *For more details please click HERE.
- ■Weekend Battle Schedule This Week
Weekend Battle Schedule Special Rule [PDT] 10/31/2019 (THU) 12:00 – 11/1/2019 (FRI) 11:59
[CET] 10/31/2019 (THU) 20:00 – 11/1/2019 (FRI) 19:59Simple Battle [PDT] 11/1/2019 (FRI) 12:00 – 11/2/2019 (SAT) 11:59
[CET] 11/1/2019 (FRI) 20:00 – 11/2/2019 (SAT) 19:59Target Shuffling [PDT] 11/2/2019 (SAT) 12:00 – 11/3/2019 (SUN) 11:59
[CET] 11/2/2019 (SAT) 20:00 – 11/3/2019 (SUN) 19:59Simple Battle - ■Fixes
- ◎Battle related
- ・Fixed a rare case where damage reaction would not occur when the attack overlapped during battle
- ・The bug of “unexpected damage reaction” that occurred due to the fix above was also fixed.
- ・Fixed a bug when fighting with a camera set up or down on the space map would show different result.
- ・Fixed a case when it was not possible to cancel movement after an attack due to sudden rise and fall when using the “HYPER HAMMER” on the space map.
- ・Fixed a bug where MS captured in certain situations would not self-destruct and receive no damage during battle.
- ・Fixed the problem when the score may not have been given to the player who controlled the waypoint base in certain situations during the battle.
- ・Corrected the display timing of the ASL and lock-on range when switching weapons during battles, emergency evade, etc.
- ・Fixed in Basic rule, when two players tried to deploy/defuse bombs at the same time, it would cause unnatural action.
- ・Fixed in ace match rule, when assist bonus was not applied correctly to assist score in battle result.
- ・Fixed a bug which was caused from shooting in a direction different from the direction the AI of the enemy MS was facing in the free practice.
- ・Fixed an issue where the AI of the enemy MS at the relay point on certain maps would not work in the free practice.
- ・Fixed an issue in the free practice, when the controller vibration would continue when the OPTIONS button is pressed under certain circumstances.
- ・In the free practice, when the enemy AI was turned on and “Inside the Space Fortress” was started, the enemy MS at the waypoint base A would be attacked immediately after the start, so the enemy MS was moved to the waypoint bases B and D, respectively.
- ・Fixed the problem that the pursuit assist was added to unintended targets.
- ・Fixed issue in such cases where high-speed movement and rapid ascent / descent could not be performed after performing certain actions in MS equipped with both the skills “High-Spec AMBAC” and “Thruster Control System”.
- ・Fixed a FPS drop when the “Gyan Eos” melee attack was used with an enemy MS melee attack.
- ・Fixed a FPS drop when turning the camera while using armaments such as “HEAT ROD” and “HYPER HAMMER”.
- ◎Map related
- ・Fixed issue with area where one could get out of the map at “Port Base”.
- ・Fixed the non-movable parts displayed on the map of the respawn screen at “Port Base”.
- ・Fixed some of the chimney textures in the “Port Base”.
- ・Corrected the hitbox of some objects in “Port Base”.
- ・Adjusted the brightness of beams and verniers to be the same as other space maps in the “Space Fortress Interior”.
- ・Fixed a problem where pilots would get stuck in textures in the base of the space map “Columbus”.
- ◎Paint related
- ・Fixed a bug where the color of MS in the sortie demo scene becomes the one before the change for a moment.
- ・Fixed an issue where SE would not be palyed when selecting MS with skill “Transform” and entering OPTIONS button.
- ・Fixed issue in paint, when the MS model color displayed on the right side of the screen while selecting an MS sometimes changed to a color that was not set.
- ・Fix to the wrong color scheme of the front armor of “Blue Destiny Unit-3”.
- ◎Unit related
- ・Fixed an issue with “Gatsha” main weapon “SPECIAL HAMMER GUN”, where it would continue to rotate on the back of the unit.
- ・Fixed the bug that the model of “ZAKU MACHINE GUN” of “Zaku I (GS)” would not be displayed when it is not used in battle.
- ・An issue was fixed that occured in “GM Command (Space Type)” that would cause unnatural display when moving backward at high speed.
- ・Fixed unnatural camera movements on battle result screen in case of defeat while using “Zock”.
- ・Fixed issue where the model sometimes collapsed when capturing “Zock” from a distance during battle.
- ・Fixed the problem that allowed to equip the barrel of the main armament on the shoulder of the MS when using “135mm ANTI-SHIP RIFLE” and “95mm SNIPER RIFLE.”
- *The description of the Pail Rider Cavalry “HADES-E Ability Boost” will be revised in an update file scheduled for delivery in November.
- ◎Network related
- ・Fixed a bug when player could not enter a room under certain circumstances when creating a room with an account with chat restrictions as the host.
- ・In the custom match, the wrong dialog would be displayed when trying to join a full room.
- ・Fixed cases when a penalty would be given when entering the room under certain circumstances.
- In the rating match or quick match, during a specific operation “Logout from PS4” would not disconnect the player from the room.
- ・On the game mode selection screen of the sortie reception, only rank matches with units of less than milliseconds would be displayed for matches with the remaining 3 minutes countdown.
- ・When performing session play from a PS4® party, the private room setting could be canceled in the special room setting when creating a room.
- ◎Customization related
- ・In the customization screen, when MS with skill “Transformation” was selected by a specific operation, there was a case where a difference in parameter display would occur.
- ◎Others
- ・Fixed an issue when promotion would be displayed in the HARO alert, even though promotion was already achieved.
- ・When upgrading from LV1 to LV2 of each rank, the required experience value displayed on the battle result screen was incorrect. .
- ・Fixed an issue when a bonus item in a Supply Drop, would be different from what it was shown.
- ・In the marking that can be equipped on the pilot’s head accessory, there was a case where a part of the equipped mark would be displayed in black.
- ・H.A.R.O.>In the H.A.R.O. > pilot screen, accessories that cannot be equipped would be diplayed on the model to the right when selecting wares.
- ・Fixed an issue when chat during battle would be out of frame in case of the language setting being set to “English.”
- ・Fixed an issue when an option for inviting players would not be displayed in certain language settings.
- ■Updating game data
- Start MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2 from the PlayStation®4 home screen.
If you are connected to the Internet, the latest version will be downloaded automatically. - When the update is completed successfully, the [ver. Information] displayed in the upper right of the [H.A.R.O. screen] is updated.
If the [ver. Information] is old, please try again later.
Please note that players with different [ver. Information] will not be matched together.