Notice of Supply Drop Lineup "Full Armor Over.on"

■[PST] 02/26/2025 21:00
■[CET] 02/27/2025 06:00
Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.
[PST] 02/26/2025 21:00 – 03/05/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/27/2025 06:00 – 03/06/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Added New Materials
・★★★★ Full Armor Over.on LV1 (Support unit, ground/space uses, cost: 650)
  • ※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
  • ※Regarding the Monthly MS Bonus, please check here.
  • ■Mobile Suit Features
  • ・Support unit with cost of 650.
  • ・A full-armor custom with increased firepower and armor on the Over.on.
  • ・This MS was one of the handmade MS plans devised by Scirocco that is designed for basic performance only, which makes it basically a Gundam version of The-O.
    “Full Armor Over.on” was developed by converting the blueprints and parts of the spare unit and the Full Armor Hyaku Shiki Kai.
  • ・Its armament mainly follows the Full Armor Hyaku Shiki Kai, including a large number of beam armaments and missiles.
    In addition, the chest is equipped with a high mega cannon and reflector panels, making it a highly survivable MS.
  • ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
  • Skill “Grimoire (White) LV2”
  • ・When the unit’s HP falls below a certain threshold, this skill will automatically activate once, triggering specific effects for a duration.
  • ・Increases the attack power.
  • ・Reduces the damage received from the enemy units.
  • ・Reduces the reaction to damage from melee weapons, excluding melee attacks and tackles that cause knockdown.
  • ・The performance of compatible weapons changes with this skill.
    ※ The sub-weapons “High Mega Cannon” and “Reflector Panel” are the affected weapons.
  • ・When the skill activates, enemy units within a certain range will have their melee weapon actions (excluding some of them) and high-speed movement temporarily slowed.
  • Sub-weapon “High Mega Cannon”
  • ・While Skill “Grimoire (White) LV2” is active, attack power increases, and focus time is reduced.
  • Sub-weapon “Reflector Panel”
  • ・Normally, damage and reaction from beam-type shooting attacks received around the reflector are reduced.
    While Skill “Grimoire (White) LV2” is active, this effect extends to the entire body.
    Additionally, the reflector’s deployment duration is increased, and the recovery time after weapon overheating is shortened.
  • Skill “High-Performance Radar LV4”
  • ・The effective range of the radar is expanded.
    If the unit’s head HP is at its maximum, enemy units which stay at a position within the radar range will be displayed on the radar.
■Exclusive pilot item as a Bonus for the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
Beginning from [PST] 02/26/2025 21:00 / [CET] 02/27/2025 06:00, 1 exclusive pilot item as a bonus can be obtained from 10 consecutive drops.
[PST] 02/26/2025 21:00 – 03/05/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/27/2025 06:00 – 03/06/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
■Bonus Item Contents (get 1 of the 2 items randomly listed below)
  • ■Wear
  • Normal Suit: Mashiro
  • ■Accessory
  • Helmet: Mashiro
  • ※Requesting 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the campaign will grant you an additional 11th supply drop, an extra item.
  • ※Single Supply Drop is NOT applied with this benefit.
    The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request single Supply Drop for ten times in a row.
■Other materials
・★★★★ Unicorn Gundam LV2 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 750)
・★★★★ Kshatriya LV2 (Support unit, ground/space uses, cost: 750)
・★★★★ Byarlant Custom LV4 (Raid unit, ground/space uses, cost: 750)
・★★★ Delta Plus LV3 (Raid unit, ground/space uses, cost: 750)
  • ※All ★★★ and ★★★★ units are eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
  • ※Regarding the Monthly MS Bonus, please check here.
■Removed Materials from the Supply Drop

Some materials are removed from the supply drop lineup.  ※For Details, please check here.

  • ※For more information regarding the updated supply drop lineup, please refer to the [Supply Drop List].

■Notice of Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign
Some of the newly added material will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
[PST] 02/26/2025 21:00 – 03/05/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/27/2025 06:00 – 03/06/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Featured material that will benefit from the Big Boost to its Supply Rate
・★★★★ Full Armor Over.on LV1 (Support unit, ground/space uses, cost: 650)
■Supply Drops that will benefit from Big Boost to Supply Rates
・Normal Supply Drop
  • ※After the end of the campaign, all supply drop rates will be the same as other materials.