Notice of STEP UP Supply Drop
- ■[PDT] 09/19/2024 04:30
- ■[CEST] 09/19/2024 13:30
- ver.0185.1953
Starting from [PDT] 09/19/2024 / [CEST] 09/19/2024, Mass Production Type Z Gundam LV1 Guaranteed STEP UP Supply Drop will begin.
- ■Period
- [PDT] 09/19/2024 04:30 – 09/25/2024 21:30 [Scheduled]
- [CEST] 09/19/2024 13:30 – 09/26/2024 06:30 [Scheduled]
- ■Featured material with a Big Boost to its supply drop rate
・★★ Mass Production Type Z Gundam LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost 550) - ■Content
- A Supply Drop, in which 10 consecutive Supply Drops can be requested up to STEP5.
The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request, as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4 → STEP5.
Once STEP5 finished and this Boosted Supply Drop will be over. -
- ・STEP1 (15 Tokens): Tokens 50% OFF!
- ・STEP2 (30 Tokens): ★★ and above Materials Drop Rate x1.5!
- ・STEP3 (30 Tokens): 1 ★★ or above rarity MS guaranteed!
- ・STEP4 (30 Tokens): Mass Production Type Z Gundam LV1 drop rate x1.5!
⇒ Greatly boosting the drop rate from “3%” to “4.5%”!! - ・STEP5 (30 Tokens): 1 Mass Production Type Z Gundam LV1 guaranteed!
- ※Same supplies will be drawn as the ongoing Supply Drops.
For details, please check the [Item List]. - ※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
- ※Same supplies will be drawn as the ongoing Supply Drops.