About "Fin Funnels [Defend]"

■[PDT]2024/08/15 4:00
■[CEST]2024/08/15 13:00

We have confirmed that the behavior of “Fin Funnels [Defend]”, sub weapon of Mass Production Type Nu Gundam [FF] is different from that originally expected.

■Confirmed issue
  • – The correct behavior of the “Fin Funnels [Defend]” , sub weapon of Mass Production Type Nu Gundam [FF] is that the barrier deployed from the funnel prevents ranged attacks within a certain range, but with this armament, the barrier after deployment has only effect to yourself. However, this weapon has no judgment or effect on the barrier after it is deployed, and only the ship itself is protected from ranged attacks.
We plan to correct this issue in a later update.
We deeply apologize for all inconvenience caused to pilots.