Notice of Supply Drop Lineup "Penelope"

■[PDT] 07/31/2024 22:00
■[CEST] 08/01/2024 07:00

Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.

[PDT] 07/31/2024 22:00 – 08/07/2024 21:30 [Scheduled]
[CEST] 08/01/2024 07:00 – 08/08/2024 06:30 [Scheduled]
■Added New Materials
・★★★★★ Penelope LV1 (Raid unit, Ground only, cost: 700)
  • ※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
  • ※Regarding the Monthly MS Bonus, please check here.
  • Mobile Suit Features
  • ・Raid unit with cost of 700.
  • ・U.C. 0100s, this unit was developed to eradicate an anti-Federation group known as Mafty, Circe Unit which serve for Earth Federation equipped with this MS which is made by Anaheim Electronics, based on the Odysseus Gundam, with an FF (Fixed Flight) Unit installed, and was referred to as Penelope.
  • ・It was one of the first units to be equipped with a miniaturized Minovsky Flight Unit, enabling patrol flights in atmosphere.
    It also features a mechanism, allowing it to transform into “Flight Form” mode for supersonic flight.
  • ・Like its sister unit, Xi Gundam, it is a heavily armed machine equipped with various beam armaments and funnel missiles, and is an ultra-high-performance MS with high mobility in the atmosphere.
  • ・Can only be deployed on the Ground.
※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
  • Skill “Minovsky Flight Unit (P)”
  • ・Press the touch pad to temporarily apply the following effects,
  • ・Activate Flight Mode, allowing actions in midair.
  • ⇒ Thrusters are no longer consumed while activating skills, but the skill effect duration will be reduced when using evasion action.
  • ・Reduced damage reaction when taking damage from ranged weapons.
  • ・Syncs movement and melee attacks to reticle direction while active, advanced combat at the cost of decreased attack power.
  • ・Pressing the touchpad button while activating a skill transforms into “Flight Form (P)”.
  • ・Thrusters are fully restored after the skill effect.
  • ・This skill can also be used in underwater.
  • This skill will be deactivated when the skill effect duration ends or a damage reaction greater than staggering occurs.
  • This skill can be used again after a certain amount of cool-down time after the skill effect ends.
  • If the skill effect is cancelled due to a damage reaction greater than staggering, the time until re-use will be shortened.
  • Skill “Flight Form (P)”
  • ・Pressing the touchpad button again will transform it into Flight form while Flight Mode, activating the following effects,
  • ・When moving forward at high speed for a certain period of time, the mobility and the power of the “Ram Attack” skill are increased.
  • The effect duration of skills and the reduction in effect duration when using evasion action are inherited
  • from the “Minovsky Flight Unit (P)”.
  • The touchpad button can be pressed while in Flight Form to switch to Flight Mode.
  • Skill “High-Maneuver Armor”
  • ・The following effects will be activated during high-speed movement,
  • ・Reduced taken damage.
  • ・Reduces staggering caused by accumulated damage.
  • ・Nullifies reactions when hit, except for toppling attacks or tackles.
  • ⇒ However, if heavy stagger is nullified, stagger from cumulative damage becomes more frequent.
■Exclusive pilot item as a Bonus for the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
Beginning from [PDT] 07/31/2024 22:00 / [CEST] 08/01/2024 07:00, 1 random exclusive pilot item as a bonus can be obtained from 10 consecutive drops.
■Supply Drop with Bonus Items Period
[PDT] 07/31/2024 22:00 – 08/07/2024 21:30 [Scheduled]
[CEST] 08/01/2024 07:00 – 08/08/2024 06:30 [Scheduled]
■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
■Bonus Item Contents (get 1 of the 2 items randomly listed below)
  • ■Wear
  • Normal Suit: Federation E01
  • ■Accessory
  • Helmet: Federation E01
  • ※Requesting 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the campaign will grant you an additional 11th supply drop, an extra item.
  • ※Single Supply Drop is NOT applied with this benefit.
    The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request single Supply Drop for ten times in a row.
■Other material
・★★★~★★ GM NS Space Type (V) LV3~4 (Raid unit, ground/Space uses, cost: 600-)
・★★ GM Night Seeker LV4 (General unit, ground/Space uses, cost: 350)
・★ Rick Dom II (GH) LV4 (Raid unit, ground/Space uses, cost: 550)
・★ GM Night Seeker II LV4 (Raid unit, ground/Space uses, cost: 400)
  • ※”GM NS Space Type (V) LV3″ is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
  • ※Regarding the Monthly MS Bonus, please check here.
■Removed Materials from the Supply Drop
Some materials are removed from the supply drop lineup.  ※For Details, please check here.

  • ※For more information regarding the updated supply drop lineup, please refer to the [Supply Drop List].

■Notice of Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign
Some of the newly added materials will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
[PDT] 07/31/2024 22:00 – 08/07/2024 21:30 [Scheduled]
[CEST] 08/01/2024 07:00 – 08/08/2024 06:30 [Scheduled]
■Featured material that will benefit from the Big Boost to its Supply Rate
・★★★★★ Penelope LV1 (Raid unit, Ground only, cost: 700)
■Supply Drops that will benefit from Big Boost to Supply Rates
・Normal Supply Drop
  • ※After the end of the campaign, all supply drop rates will be the same as other materials.

■Time Limited Special Hangar unlocking campaign
Starting from [PDT] 07/24/2024 / [CEST] 07/25/2024, Time Limited Special Hangar unlocking campaign will begin.
[PDT] 07/24/2024 22:00 – 09/07/2024 12:59 [Scheduled]
[CEST] 07/25/2024 07:00 – 09/07/2024 21:59 [Scheduled]
During the period, pilot who obtain a new ★★★★★ MS from Supply Drop will unlock a time limited hangar slot for MS enhancement.
  • ※Hangar slot can only be used during the campaign.
    (If the campaign ended while the slot used for MS enhancement, then the slot will be no longer available after the enhancement is finished.)