6th Anniversary① ★★★★★MS! Xi Gundam is finally here!!
- ■[PDT] 07/21/2024 04:00
- ■[CEST] 07/21/2024 13:00
- Pilots, this is it! Our highest rarity in GBO2… ★★★★★ is now in game!!
No only the outrageous power of this ★★★★★ MS, the unique enforcing skill “Forced Sortie” and unit skill “Raise Counter” will also be granted at the very first of obtaining this MS! -
- ■skill “Forced Sortie”
- Normally MS need to wait for a certain of period to re-sortie to the battlefield when destroyed.
But skill “Forced Sortie” will allow MS to re-sortie Immediately.
Of course, there is some down side. Once MS is back to the battle by using this skill, MAX MS HP will be reduced and this skill can only be used once every game. - ※”Forced Sortie” will be a default skill when obtaining the unit. (Which means pilot have no need to unlock it from the Hangar.)
- ■Skill “Raise Counter”
- Executing a counter with less than a level of HP remaining triggers a special powerful counter.
It also temporarily boosts ATK and DEF for your unit and ally units within a limited area.
- Introducing our ★★★★★ MS, “Xi Gundam”!
★★★★★ Xi Gundam LV1 (General unit, Ground only, cost: 700) - ■Mobile Suit Features
- ・General unit with cost of 700.
- ・U.C. 0100s, Mafty, an anti-Federation group acquired this unit in secret from Anaheim Electronics who developed this MS, then send this Gundam-type unit was used to carry out an assault on Federation cabinet members later.
- ・It is considered a sister model of the Penelope, integrated with a Minovsky Flight Unit that allows it to conduct independent patrol flights.
In addition, its Beam Barrier system and capability to transform into “Flight Form” makes it into a complete fifth- generation MS. - ・In addition to standard equipment such as a beam rifle, beam saber, and shield, it is also a heavily armed machine equipped with Funnel missiles, and its high degree of perfection enabled it to engage in fierce battles with the Penelope and the Circe Unit.
- ・Can only be deployed on the Ground.
- ※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
- ※“Xi Gundam” will be added to the lineup after the update of [PDT] 07/24/2024 / [CEST] 07/25/2024.