Notice of "Limited Supply Drop!! GM Kai Ground Type [CB] [TB] & Gouf [F Unit] [TB]"

■[PDT] 07/17/2024 22:00
■[CEST] 07/18/2024 07:00
  • Limited Supply Drop Lineup launch at the same time!
  • Popular materials have a great boost from the supply drop during the campaign period!
  • ※Supply Drop target items are the same as items from standard supply drops.
  • ※Only the target item will be boosted.

Starting from [PDT] 07/17/2024 22:00 / [CEST] 07/18/2024 07:00, a Limited Supply Drop with a MS drop rate boosted event will begin.

[PDT] 07/17/2024 22:00 – 07/24/2024 21:30 [Scheduled]
[CEST] 07/18/2024 07:00 – 07/25/2024 06:30 [Scheduled]
During the period, “Limited Supply Drop (Once / 10 Times)” can be requested from the material counter.
Within the Limited Supply Drop, GM Kai Ground Type [CB] [TB] & Gouf [F Unit] [TB]’s drop rate will be increased.
■Featured material with a Big Boost to its supply drop rate
In the Limited Supply Drop, drop rate on each unit LV and weapon will be affected respectively.
◎Supply drop rate increase① (Item Amount 2)
・★★ GM Kai Ground Type [CB] [TB] LV1 (Raid unit, ground only, cost: 400)
・★★ Gouf [F Unit] [TB] LV1 (General unit, ground only, cost: 400)
◎Supply drop rate increase② (Item Amount 2)
・★★ GM Kai Ground Type [CB] [TB] LV2 (Raid unit, ground only, cost: 450)
・★★ Gouf [F Unit] [TB] LV2 (General unit, ground only, cost: 450)
◎Supply drop rate increase③ (Item Amount 3)
・★★ Assault Rifle [GN] [TB] LV2
・★ GM Kai Ground Type Beam Saber [TB] LV2
・★ Gouf Heat Saber [TB] LV2
■Supply Drops that are affected by the drop rate increase
・Limited Supply Drop
  • ※Lineup for this Supply Drop will be different from the normal Supply Drop.
    Please note that the following materials will ONLY be drawn from this Limited Supply Drop.
  • ・GM Kai Ground Type [CB] [TB] LV1
  • ・Gouf [F Unit] [TB] LV1
  • ※Drop rate increases of the Limited Supply Drop will affect each LV of the unit and also the unit’s main weapons differently.
     While LV 1-2 units and weapons are affected by the drop rate increases as below.
      ・LV1 Units’ drop rate increased by “3%”
      ・LV2 Units’ drop rate increased by “3%”
      ・Main weapons’ drop rate Increase “3%”
  • The Supply Drop rate increases is made by the reducing the drop rate of “★” rarity items.
  • ※Regarding the detailed lineup of the Limited Supply Drop, please check [Item List].
  • ※The amount of tokens required to request a Limited Supply Drop is the same as normal Supply Drop. (Once – 3 tokens / 10 Times – 30 tokens)
  • ※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.