About FA Unicorn Gundam's skill "Awaken Ability Boost LV3"

■2024/06/28 18:00
We are now confirmed that the skill description for FA Unicorn Gundam’s skill “Awaken Ability Boost LV3” is incorrect in some languages.
■Confirmed issue
For FA Unicorn Gundam’s skill “Awaken Ability Boost LV3”, the effect of this skill LV2 is listed incorrectly at in-game description for the language settings “English”, “Traditional Chinese (TW)”, “Traditional Chinese (HK)” and “Simplified Chinese”
◎Skill “Awaken Ability Boost LV3”
・Activate the skill by pressing touch pad once NT-D: Resonance Ability Boost has been active for a set period.
・Allies in the radar range when skill activates will be boosted the attack power for a period.
Recovering all body parts HP (head, back, legs) for all allies in the radar range and clearing debuffs including incendiary effect.
・Shorten ranged weapons reload and overheat time.
・Nullify enemies’ Psycommu disabling effect.
We will release a fixing patch in the next update.
We deeply apologize for all inconvenience caused to you.