Notice of adjustment to Perfect Gundam [TB]

■[PDT] 04/17/2024 22:00
■[CEST] 04/18/2024 07:00
According to the report by our producer in Developer video letter released on [JST] 03/25/2024, we would like to announce more details about the adjustment of “Perfect Gundam [TB]”.
Based on the recently collected data of “Perfect Gundam [TB]”, the battle result is way above our expectation.
Perfect Gundam [TB]
Reference Data COST Unit LV Win Rate Rival Win Rate Damage Dealt Amount of MS Loss
550 General-purpose average 47.5 46.1 68,080 3.1
LV1 57.2 59.0 80,628 2.6
Compare to other MS in the same cost range, even counting the basis which may affect the data accuracy such as new MS implementation, this unit result is not change from the last adjustment.
So we decided to make another to it in the unit adjustment of this month.
And we would like to ask for your patient until the adjustment is applied.