Report about "Beam Jutte" in "Banshee Norn"
- ■[PST] 01/05/2024 01:00
- ■[CET] 01/05/2024 10:00
- ver.0175.1686
- A report about Banshee Norn which is released on [JST]12/28/2023 that it will launch a counter attack even didn’t receive any melee attack after using the charge attack of Beam Jutte while crouching.
- ■Related MS
- Banshee Norn
- ■Solution
- A fix is applied on [JST]01/05/2024 update and Banshee Norn is now only react with counter attack on enemy’s melee attack.
- ■Requests to players to apply the fix.
- Please quit the application or re-launch it to apply the fix to your data.
- We apologize for all inconveniences caused to you.